Senior Geotechnical Engineer

The Land Site Characterisation division is responsible for acquiring and interpreting accurate environmental, geotechnical and geophysical data which enables…

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Geoenvironmental Administration Assistant Employee - Geology tradesperosn in South Oxfordshire
Geoenvironmental Administration Assistant

This team is responsible for gathering site geoenvironmental data to enable our clients to make informed decisions regarding the levels of risk associated with…

Project Geotechnical Engineer Employee - Geology tradesperosn in South Oxfordshire
Project Geotechnical Engineer

This role will require you to work offshore and onshore with other engineers. Client interaction is also a key part of a consultants role.

Geoenvironmental Monitoring Engineer Employee - Geology tradesperosn in South Oxfordshire
Geoenvironmental Monitoring Engineer

This team is responsible for gathering site geoenvironmental data to enable the client to make informed decisions during the engineering, design, and…