Loss Adjuster

We support a range of businesses including Insurers, Managing General Agents, Loss Adjusters, Solicitors, Third Party Administrators and Self-Insured entities…

£25,000 - £30,000 a year
1 vacante
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Fulfilment Manager Empleado - Profesional de muros en Wirral
Fulfilment Manager

We are looking for a candidate who is ambitious and looking to take responsibility for multiple projects and can successfully manage a team of staff.

Bricklaying repair garden wall Empleado - Profesional de muros en Wirral
Bricklaying repair garden wall

Already loads of old bricks stacked close, will hire a cement mixer for the week. Prefer Wirral-based person and can provide transport to someone close, and/or…

Production Administrator Empleado - Profesional de muros en Wirral
Production Administrator

The successful candidate will report to and assist International Production and Supply Chain Manager reporting to Operations Manager, to ensure production…