Regulatory Affairs Manager CMC

Pfizer is the world's premier biopharmaceutical company taking new approaches to better health. We discover, develop, manufacture and deliver quality, safe and effective prescription medicines to treat and help prevent disease for people. We also partner with healthcare providers, governments and local communities around the world to expand access to our medicines and to provide better quality health care and health system support. At Pfizer, colleagues in more than 90 countries work every day to help people stay happier and healthier longer and to reduce the human and economic burden of disease worldwide.IntroductionGCMC is committed to support Biotherapeutic Pharmaceutical Science (BioTX PharmSci) and Global Supply (PGS) as competitive advantage for Pfizer by consistently delivering high quality regulatory strategies and timely submissions across product lifecycle. GCMC is fully engaged in drug development, product line extensions and maintenance. GCMC representatives participate on teams and at sites as GCMC experts and overall advocate for effective drug development and maintenance paradigms.The person currently looked for, will be responsible for execution of Regulatory Strategies for Vaccines and Biotechnological Products.Role descriptionThe Manager Regulatory Affairs (RA) GCMC is responsible for the development and execution of European Regulatory CMC strategies, submissions and compliance activities for biopharmaceutical projects/products from development to market and post-marketing, including the preparation and submission of correspondence and applications (IMPD’s, MAA’s,…) to regulatory agencies. Potential project responsibilities may include monoclonal antibodies, other recombinant proteins, vaccines, peptides and nucleotides. Acts as CMC liaison with regulatory authorities to discuss and define submission contents and strategies.Leads the preparation of CMC information for submission to EU regulatory agencies, generates CMC strategies, assesses risks and develops contingency plans, including major, complex applications. Ensures that CMC regulatory submissions are complete, properly formatted, and comply with applicable regulatory requirements. Interfaces directly with Boards of Health, including scientific reviewers, administrative staff,… in order to discuss and define regulatory applications (Quality Module, Responses, Commitments. Acts as CMC representative in formal meetings and teleconferences with regulatory authorities.Act as the EU CMC representative and contributes support to the Global CMC representative within cross-functional project teams, involving the interpretation of regulations and guidelines and the assessment of global implications for strategic CMC decisions. Accountable for assigned CMC programs, managing day-to-day delivery of plans and strategic activities for specific projects, including Life Cycle Teams and compliance of commercial products. Operates independently to resolve complex issues and manage regulatory risks and ambiguous situations within project teams. Investigates opportunities for regulatory innovation / promote the use of novel approaches within project team to resolve issues and problems.Creates / contributes to the development of internal policies, processes and procedures supporting the progression and maintenance of the Pfizer biopharmaceutical portfolio at large. Leads document management and information management teams, within Global CMC / groups outside Global CMC.Represents Regulatory CMC on due diligence teams and representing Pfizer on CMC focused pharmaceutical industry initiatives.ResponsibilitiesServes as a EU GCMC strategist for projects within product portfolios, providing regulatory assessments and developing regulatory strategies.Acts as the EU CMC representative and contributes support to the Global CMC representative, within cross-functional project teams. Accountable for assigned projects and activities, independently completing work within assigned work group/project teams, for multiple projects.Interprets CMC regulatory requirements, develop strategies (including novel approaches), assess risks and develops contingencies. Uses technical and scientific knowledge to conduct the appropriate analysis of CMC submission documentation. Responsible for the development of CMC documentation, coordination and management of global submissions, including the assessment and management of commercial license status, maintenance of product compliance and management of change control. Ability to collaborate effectively across a network of other stakeholders, partners and customers, to deliver high quality CMC submissions and ensuring the compliance of the Pfizer biopharmaceutical portfolio. Manages the resolution of regulatory CMC/information management issues with project/program stakeholders.Able to develop and/or lead projects or team initiatives to support short-term operational goals and contribute to the development of global regulatory initiatives.QualificationsAn experienced regulatory CMC professional or an individual with regulatory expertise in pharmaceutical science development and/or biopharmaceutical manufacturing and/or specific regulatory domain (5-7 years of prior international regulatory experience with 3-5 years in CMC). Ability to interpret and apply global / regional CMC regulatory policies and requirements for assigned projects.Candidate is required to have a broad functional knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences / the Biopharmaceutical industry, with a clear understanding of drug development/commercial manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals.Candidate is required to have a recognized demonstration of:Leadership skills, influencing and persuading skillsExcellent cross-cultural awareness and understandingFluency in English is essentialStrategic thinking and decision makingExcellent communication, interpersonal and relationship building skillsCollaborative team playerExcellent planning, organizational and project management skillsProactive and flexibleProblem solving skills to propose and assess regulatory solutions to CMC issues and prepare contingency plans will be helpful. Experience in medical device development and registration is useful.This position can be taken up as from Belgium, Brussels; Ireland, Grange Castle; UK, Walton Oaks or Spain, Algete.What we can offer youIn addition to competitive salaries and customized benefits packages, we offer a supportive and diverse culture and unparalleled career development opportunities.An exciting and challenging position that will inspire you and be changing your career path together with great colleagues based in our office in Brussels. You will be placed in an open and light office space where both interactions with colleagues and focused work are balanced, and where the open-door policy is an integrated part of our culture across all levels of seniority.

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