Chófer privado en Málaga

Cronoshare es una plataforma online para profesionales que quieren encontrar nuevos clientes.Pertenecer a la red de profesionales de Cronoshare no tiene coste y recibirás nuevos clientes según tus preferencias, de forma personalizada.Conocimientos previos para desarrollar funciones de Chófer privado...

1 vacante
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Automotive Account Manager Employee - Gas tradesperson in Málaga
Automotive Account Manager

The candidate will provide priority account listing in weekly sales reports relative to the weekly activity plan in an effort to develop new accounts/leads, business sectors and address growing business opportunities within our company. The candidate is expected to prepare and ma...

Automotive Account Manager Employee - Gas tradesperson in Málaga
Automotive Account Manager

The candidate will provide priority account listing in weekly sales reports relative to the weekly activity plan in an effort to develop new accounts/leads, business sectors and address growing business opportunities within our company. The candidate is expected to prepare and ma...

Automotive Account Manager Employee - Gas tradesperson in Málaga
Automotive Account Manager

The candidate will provide priority account listing in weekly sales reports relative to the weekly activity plan in an effort to develop new accounts/leads, business sectors and address growing business opportunities within our company. The candidate is expected to prepare and ma...